Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Things we are grateful for:

Home and warmth
thrift stores
good food

A few pics of our love birds

Life Lately

I can't believe how much time since the last post, but I have been busy with other things, like getting myself and the kids healthy, fingers crossed we will make it through the holidays without another major illness....

Mira is moving quickly these days (and I must say a very fine dancer!) She started walking about 3 weeks ago (her first step) and is now 75% of the time walking or near trotting. It is just as fun the second time around to watch them take their first steps. They really do start to blossom after this stage.

Addie is still her imaginative, theatrical self! She currently has a serious addiction to anything princess, ponies, and sugar. Those pesky toddler habits!

Chris is still working at Thomspon Metal Fab. in Vancouver WA. Although, there has been several layoffs, and chances are he might be on laycation soon. Might be nice to have him around home, but then again, home might be the back of our Volvo...I think we will be okay,,,

I am doing good, just got a little bit of the cabin fever since we are a 1 car family at the moment. We have been walking to get out of the house. It is always nice to find new and interesting places to go within 1.5 mile radius (usually that is about as far as I can walk with the kids, as they get restless).

The chickens are doing good- we have 2- a banty and a buff orpinton. They are cute, and not really cuddly but pleasant and easy to care for!
