Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Ode to Daisy

It has been four days now since Daisy has left....not sure if she is coming back or if she has found a new home. I just hope they will treat her well, and give her lot's of love and attention. While we had Daisy, we had our ups and downs, but one thing is for sure, she was a very sweet pup. We will miss her!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Addie's Allergies?? and other happenings

For the last few months, Addie has been having some issues with her stool. The Dr. is going at it from a couple of angles, including a visit to the allergist and to the GI specialist.
First the Dr. wants us to see if it is dairy causing the problem, most common allergy, by taking her off for 2 weeks. It will be hard to do, especially since she loves her cheese and yogurt, but I have to try to figure out why she is having this issue with mucous in her stool. I am very concerned and a bit annoyed because, I don't really think it is dairy, but I have to go along with the program for Addie's sake. I think either it is a food allergy or a viral infection that is lingering on. It is weird because she will be better with normal stool for 2 weeks and then out of no where, she has the mucous in her stool. The appointment with the children's GI specialist at the hospital here isn't until Oct. 5th. It could be something serious, or not, and that worries me, and I worry all the time. But the Dr. seems to think it shouldn't be anything serious, so I am hoping he is right.
She has been eating other foods rich in calcium like broccoli, almond butter and some foods I cook with soy milk, like pancakes. She eats a lot of meat and potatoes and other starchy items besides her fruits and veg. She has quite a variety of food, but some days Addie is more picking than other days. Addie seems to be going through some tough cycles lately. Yesterday she was a super kid, but today, she is so tired from not getting enough sleep yesterday- she woke early and had a shortened nap, so hopefully she will take a nice long snooze today. She is also teething, getting in 4 cuspids!! So my life has been all about salvaging the day, and just making it through. We went out with my friend today, and her little girl, and luckily only 1 real meltdown, and then getting into the car was another story. But then she fell fast asleep and unfortunately when I transferred her from the car to her bed she woke up and in a terrible way, I spent the next 15 minutes consoling her and helping her fall back to sleep. I bargained with her that I was going bye bye if she didn't go to sleep. That worked, she settled down and allowed her self to rest. It's just so hard at this stage, and I really don't know how we are going to do with another, but somehow we will make it through, and hopefully laugh at our crazy kids!

Speaking of the baby, I am now 17 weeks and feeling the baby move!! It is bittersweet, because I know it will all go by so fast. I just hope we can figure out some names before we get to the hospital like the last time (-:

We are not sure if we want to find out the sex or not, and this is really upsetting the family, but sometimes, I like to do things the old fashioned way!! Except child birth, that will be performed by new technology called a schedule c-section. After deliberating with myself and the Doctors, I have decided that this is the best option, considering what happened with Addie. I don't want to hemorrhage blood again, and the risks are high if I try to deliver naturally. If by chance I go into early labor at 36 weeks, then I will try for a natural labor, but this is unlikely.

Addie is napping peacefully upstairs in her new bed that we are transitioning her into. We are trying to get things ready before the baby arrives. Meaning, Addie in her own bed, Chris in his own bed and me and wailing baby in our own bed! So hopefully she will get used to her new lullaby land?! And since she is sleeping, it is time for me to get into the fridge and put together a tasty meal, adios for now amigos.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

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Addie and Daddy at the really cool playground!
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That's a real tiger seperated by glass
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On the Zoo Train
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At the zoo, Uncle Scot, cousing Elliott, Addie, Nolan and Aunt Heather
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Happy Birthday Elliott and Nolan (turning 5 and 7) !!!
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she love's her shades

our family trip to Wichita

We just returned home from our 7 day trip to Wichita Kansas to visit Tiffanie's family! It was a great trip with lots of adventures, including the zoo, cow town- a living museum, fishing at a lake, drive-in theatre, downtown Wichita, pool, pool and more pool! Oh and we even were entertained by one of those famous mid-west lightning and thunder storms!! Luckily we were not hit by the baseball size hail!!

Addie had so much fun visiting with her big cousins Elliott and Nolan. They were such good playmates for Addie even though they are 3.5 years older. Addie enjoyed chasing them around, and around the house or playing with their many cars and transformers.

The pool was a great treat to have so close by, at first Addie was nervous to swim but by the end of the trip she was trying to go swimming on her own. Unfortunately she doesn't know how to swim yet! She even walked straight into the pool, luckily dad was within arm's reach to catch her before we had to jump in fully clothed!

Overall, this was such a nice vacation, one that we all really needed!
