Sunday, November 8, 2009

Early Contractions

Last weekend, on Halloween, I had to go to Labor and Delivery at SW Hospital, very scary because I am only 32 weeks.....contractions were 2 minutes apart and this was going on for about an hour and prior for another 2 hours I was having contractions only about 10 minutes apart! I received some medicine and an IV and luckily I haven't had any problems for a week now! I wouldn't mind this baby coming early but not this early!! Let's just hope the baby can hold on for about another month!!
Otherwise, taking things a bit more laid back- not fretting as much about keeping house clean and leaving guilty feelings behind while I lay around on couch (=

Chris has been very helpful and took Monday off, but his schedule at work has been full on, including working on weekends! Well, it looks like more easy crock pot meals are in the works.

Addie is great, she has been taking it easy with me and enjoying watching "toons" while we snuggle on the couch.

Although, we aren't quite ready for baby's arrival, we are very excited to welcome new baby and have even more love and snuggles to go around!


  1. Hey Tiff!
    You never told me about this. I hope you are doing well...let me know if you need any help with anything.

  2. I know, I keep thinking that we are going to get together soon....anyway, I am still having contractions off and on, but not anywhere as serious as before, thank goodness! How are you these days? Hope we can get together soon!

