Friday, February 5, 2010

The Exciting Months of December and January

Addie's 2nd Bday

Mira giving us the finger, such sass!
Dancing with the Stars: featuring Chris and Addie

Such a sweet pea!

How could you not love this little angel!


Well, December and January were absolutely wonderful! We celebrated: the birth of our 2nd Daughter, Christmas with family, Addie's 2nd Birthday and a long-awaited trip to England.

That is it in a nutshell but here are a few more in depth details about these momentous occasions:

Mira was born via c-section on Dec. 9th 2009- weighing 5 lbs 15 oz, and 19 inches long. She was 3 weeks early and so she was small but just amazing!

She is our little "Mira-cle", because of complications with my uterus- but child and mother are both in perfect health, thank goodness for amazing doctors, nurses, and anaesthesiologists (I was heavily drugged (ketamine) during the operation, and apparently I was planning on taking the medical team to Tahiti and Stonehenge- so glad I wasn't aware of the reality of what was happening on the operating table) .

We were only in hospital for about 3 days and was glad to go home to the rest of the family! Addie has been such a good big sister and loves to give kisses and put shoes on the baby. I hope we don't go through the phase of "can we take baby back to the hospital" because it is going so well currently!

Addie's birthday was an absolute success: we had a horse-riding party hosted by my friend Heather Tyrell who is a horse trainer here in Vancouver. The party was so much fun and the kids seemed to enjoy the horse rides! Addie thanks everyone for the wonderful presents and for coming to help her celebrate her 2nd birthday!

January 20th we left for England and returned home on the 3rd of feb. This trip went by really quickly, but we were able to get a lot in! We visited Aunt Tina and Keith, Cousin Hazel, Mike and Nicolas, Nan and Grandad, brother Peter, sister Heather, Mum, and Graham, 2nd cousin James, great cousin Kenny, and good friends! We traveled from Reading to Manchester to Gainsborough and back to Reading....wish we had just a bit more time because there were still people we didn't get to see. Hopefully we will be back in about 1.5 years....

Nan and Grandad's 60th anniversary party was so special, and we are grateful that we were able to attend. Addie danced the night away as she does at gatherings!

Well, this post will have to do for now- more pictures to come!


