Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Can you tell them apart?!

I had to take the tiger-blanket photo of Mira to match the photo of Addie when she was a wee-little one! But can you tell them apart? It is funny how much they look alike, I am not sure if all new baby siblings have this issue or not, but it's amusing atleast! Daddy couldn't tell the difference (hehe) Okay, do you give up? Mira is the photo on the left (=


  1. cute Tiff! They do look alike! Check out this post I put on my blog long time ago and you can see what you think about my three boys when they were babies :)


  2. left is mira right is addie?

    such cute babies regardless. love those little muffins!

  3. I thought the little one on the left was Addie for sure!!

