Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Addie's 18th Month Photo Shoot

We are actually a bit behind for Addie's 18th month photo's, but here they are finally! She was such a good sport, I think she really likes taking pictures, not to mention, Picture People did a great job harnessing the smiles! We will most likely be ordering more for xmas presents, as well as our Holiday Card! This will be our first Holiday Picture Greeting Card, how exciting!!


  1. oh, and these are scanned so that is why the quality is so bad! Didn't want to spend $250 for digital copies (-:

  2. oh my look at you peach pops! so cute!

    addie is so adorable :) good work on making that one!!

  3. I love the family portrait. The way Chris has you two in an embrace is so endearing.

  4. LOVE them!! Her smiles are just absolutely precious, and they make her look so entirely innocent! I love her!!

